irony of the plight of children afflicted with cleft lip or cleft palate
is that their condition is permanently, and near completely, correctable.
They need not suffer if they can receive needed surgical services.
Young girl with cleft lip and cleft palate
a request for assistance is made or a community in need is identified, Operation
Sunrise personnel conduct a site visit to determine the specific
medical and educational needs of each new location and to obtain the
authorization and endorsement from the medical community in the host
country. |
Operating Room Hospital Ning,
Angeles city, Philippines
Thena Holeman, RN
and Philippine colleagues |
on the facilities available and the local need, an interdisciplinary team
of as many as 30 members is assembled to work in conjunction with
local health care professionals over a two week period.
Volunteers pay their own expenses, with the exception of the
nurses' airfares, which are subsidized by the organization. |
under this model, Operation Sunrise has become one of the most successful and cost
effective medical programs of its kind.
The cost per procedure averages only two hundred to nine hundred dollars - an amazingly
small amount to transform a life. |
an average year, with the generous help of its sponsors and volunteer
health care professionals, the Operation Sunrise team typically provides over a quarter of a
million dollars of surgical services to over one hundred children. |
possible, children with problems too complex to be managed in the host
country are brought to the US or Australia for treatment under the
separately funded Child Sponsor
Program. Under
this program, hospitals, surgeons, foundations and local charities share
treatment costs. |
Girl with encephalocele (incomplete
formation of the central face)
Sunrise volunteers and donors are participants in an incredible form
of humanitarian diplomacy.
Upon departing the host country the lives of children afflicted with cleft lip and palate and their
families are incalculably changed and the local medical community is one
step closer to medical self-sufficiency. |
boy a few days after repair
of his
cleft lip