Sponsor Program
program in development to provide housing, nutrition
and health services to orphans and homeless children
with cleft lip and palate and related illnesses with the ultimate goal
of establishing a safe and caring environment
in which needy children with cleft lip and palate learn,
grow and recover from their surgery.
Maternal Health Program
A program in development to improve the health and nutrition
of pregnant mothers and their unborn children with the goal of reducing
birth defects and pregnancy complications related to vitamin deficiencies
and poor diet.
Dental Health Program
Under development in conjunction with dental professionals in host
countries the Dental Health Program is designed to treat dental
problems that commonly accompanies cleft lip and palate conditions
with the goal of improving the health and quality of life of our
patients. This program is already an integral part of Operation
Sunrise activities at several mission sites.
Hearing and Hearing Health Program
A program in development to diagnose, treat and prevent ear
problems and hearing impairment that commonly accompanies
cleft lip and palate conditions.
Vision and Eye Surgery Program
A program in development to restore sight in
patients with visual impairment due to cataracts
and related diseases. Technological advances in
eye surgery instruments and improved portability
of operating microscopes now allows Operation Sunrise
team ophthalmologists to treat cataracts and similar
illness under limited anesthesia in a same day, outpatient procedure.